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What is macrobiotics

What is macrobiotics

When I say to people, I teach macrobioticsin class, I’m often said that you are cooking teacher, aren’t you?
Certainly, dietary is important, but macrobioticsis to know the natural order of universe, and think together about how to live based on the principles.

We can make our lives any way we want to.
Applying macrobioticsprinciples can lead to pleasurable life.
There is a dietary from based on the natural order in the universe, there is not a singular dietary regimen, like no meat, no sugar, eat grains so on.
We inform philosophy of universe through cooking the word derived from the Greek ,macro means great, bio means vitality, and tics means the techniques
In other word, everything exist in universe is necessity, there is no good or bad, some need meat, some need sugar, some don't need grains.
Using macrobiotics principles means not imposing same way of living but to determine the foods and the way of living best suited to each person based on what they want to become.
Many people think that the conception of macrobioticscame from foreign countries.
About 100hundred years ago, there was a man named Sakurazawa.
His own illness had progressed to the point that the doctors had give up all hope for him.
He found a book that was written by an influential doctor Sagen Ishizuka in Edo period.
His theory was that a natural diet leads to good health.
He recovered from illness after following the diet in the book.
He left Japan and brought his message of nutrition to France.
He used the word perpetual youth and longevity.
He practiced and preached the doctrines.
Basically, macrobiotics is conveying the wisdoms of ancient Japanese, now the word is like import back into Japan.
The Emperor family still practicing the methods of Sagen Isizuka.
The outlook on the universe which was realized ancient Japanese, not only food, posture, clothing, the soul of number, the soul of language, Visual diagnosis, Horoscope pneumatics and so on.

These are truly magnificent, the more you know them the more your life become fascinating.
I have been practicing macrobiotics more than 30 years, hoping that as many people as possible will participate in macrobiotics and sharing the pleasant life together.
Our school tells you about this wide macrobiotics as well as a cooking class while laughter does not die out happily.



How to eat that I snuggled up to naturally

Whole Foods' based diet
When you eat something, not only a part of it, for example radish by eating from leaf to root of it, you can get all energy that help you keeping balance in your body.
Grains, not polished rice, mainly we eat brown rice.
You are what you eat
Indivisibility of the body and the land, in other word, macrobiotics encourage that
eating local seasonal foods.
For instance, bananas and pineapples made in tropical country, they made Japanese bodies cold.
Eating apples, oranges in season made in Japan suit Japanese body.
For instance, cucumbers, summer vegetables, makes body cold.
Summer vegetables are not supposed to eat in winter, it is preferable to eat them in a hot summer.
Mind and land are inseparable, our minds get a lot of energies from local
seasonal foods.
yin and yang

A basic tenet of macrobiotics thinking is that all things our bodies, foods, and everything else are composed of yin and yang energies.
Some food have very strong yin or yang characters.
Therefore, we should choose ingredients and cooking method carefully.


What is macrobiotic?

Macrobiotics is not eating plain awful foods.
Our bodies are trying to balance of yin and yang energies instinctly, so if you
don't feel the food tasty, it means your body doesn‘t need it.
Adopting to eat based on natural order will help you get in touch with excellent judgement and spiritual way of living, boosting health and happiness.